What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui means wind and water. It is the timeless art and science of creating buildings and landscapes in harmony with nature – buildings that are comfortable and feel right. Our objective is to collect healthy environmental energy and make this available to you – for maximum wealth, health and wellbeing.
With good Feng Shui life is easier. It provides the right place for your activities. Success, health and happiness come easier if you are not battling uphill against the environment.
The Secret of Good Feng Shui
Good Feng Shui needs two legs to stand on – forms and compass energies.
Feng Shui cannot be good with only one without the other. When forms and compass enegies are aligned a place feels good, you can be yourself and function at your best.
For forms and compass energies to be aligned, you need to sleep and rest where there are positive Yin energies, and work and play where there are positive Yang energies. A place will not be harmonious or healthy if this is not in place.
Feng Shui Forms
Feng Shui forms are landscape features, roads, buildings, trees and the physical things of your building – walls, pathways, furniture and objects. Forms set the scene for good Feng Shui and should be beautiful.
Yang forms should be located were Yang energies are positive. Yang forms are bodies of water, open spaces, roads, pathways and hallways, doorways and windows where you can see the sky or a view.
Yin forms should be located were Yin energies are positive. Yin forms are hills, other buildings, walls, solid furniture such as a sofa or bed.
To be able to achieve this, you need to know the unique compass energies in each area of your building.
Feng Shui Compass Energies
The right or wrong use of Feng Shui energies can make the difference between a great and a dull building, or a healthy bedroom and one that can make you sick.
Compass energies are unique to a building. They are determined by its exact compass orientation, its building period and layout. Each building has areas with inherently good Yang Qi and others with inherently good Yin Qi, and there are areas filled with negative energies.
We don’t want to activate negative energies. If you sleep with negative Yin you are much more likely to be exhausted or sick. If you work with negative Yang, you are likely not to have enough energy to be successful and at worst attract more problems you should have.
Calculating and interpreting Feng Shui energies (the Flying Stars) is the realm of advanced Feng Shui. There are altogether 144 different possible energy charts that interact with the individual layout of a building.
During a Feng Shui consultation we select the best locations for your activities, for your beds, for windows, pathways and doorways – so that all of these contribute to your wellbeing and quality of life.
Colours, Shapes & Decor
During a consultation, we work out the best colours, shapes and decor for each area. These are determined by the Feng Shui elements needed or to be avoided according to a room’s energies. Feng Shui elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
Right colours make a room harmonious and comfortable. If you are using the wrong colours you could aggravate existent negative potentials that make you irritable. During a consultation, we use colours and shapes of the Feng Shui elements to make each space harmonious.
Please be in touch for further information or if you want assistance in improving the Feng Shui of your building.
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