A harmonious, happy & healthy building with relatively small effort

The 80/20 rule, also called the Pareto principle, states that in any endeavour roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.

As little as 20% of our efforts create 80% of benefits. 

That means that only 20% of our actions result in the most significant outcomes. On the flip side, the other 80% may be fluff, preparation or wasting time, resulting in only 20% of benefits.

If we only knew which these 20% were, we’d avoid wasting time and money on small results, and have more time to enjoy and relax.


I definitely see this principle true in my life. Also in Feng Shui, where the important and essential 20% of actions can indeed give us 80% of positive outcomes.

Having practiced Feng Shui as long as I have, the most important skill I have gained is to know what is important and what not – ie. what the essential tools are that can help achieve excellent results with relatively little effort. This is particularly true in design and refurbishing projects. 

Here is how we can use the Pareto principle in Feng Shui: 


Excellent Feng Shui with the 80/20 Rule

A building already has 80% positive Feng Shui when its layout is in harmony with its underlying energies! 

Energies are unique to a building. They are determined by its exact compass orientation and period built. 

Here is what makes excellent Feng Shui:

  1. Letting in the most radiant Yang, aka wealth energy, by placing the doors where this comes from, AND by
  2. Supporting your health, relationships and wellbeing with the positive Yin by placing beds and important seats where these are located.

Full Stop. 

That alone will create a building that feels right and where you can function at your best – 80% of good Feng Shui.


We can of course fine-tune this further – by making sure you face towards positive Yang where you work or study, by creating harmonious Qi flow and colour schemes that further enhance the building’s positive potential. 

However, above two principles alone will get you into the realm of excellent Feng Shui all by themselves. 

Once they are in place, you can spend the remaining 80% of your efforts creating what you love and detail.

That’s it!


Sounds easy, but of course life is never perfect. We are always working within limitations and restrictions. Let’s look at an example of what I’m talking about. 


The Granny Flat

Laws have changed in Victoria (the state I live in) and many people are now building a granny flat at the back of their property. Even within such limited scope, the 80/20 rule can be applied. Here is an example:


Based on the granny flat’s exact compass orientation (10o North in this case), I have generated its energy chart. This shows its energetic potential – essential information to applying the 80/20 rule. Here,

  1. the most radiant Yang energy #9 comes from the N, the second-best #1 from the S (Yang numbers are the right ones in the plan). This is where we want to place the doors. 
  2. positive Yin (left numbers) sits in the walls of the W, SW and S areas. This is where we want to place the bed and sofa. In this case, we decided to have the bed in the SW as this carries the most gentle Yin energy.


Following is the concept plan we created for this project:

(green lines indicate positive Yin; green arrows positive Yang energies)

  • the entry door brings in the best #9 Yang,
  • the bed is placed with the gentle #1 Yin,
  • the sofa is supported by the #8 Yin – sitting to its left side.

What about Restraints and Limitations?

Whatever the situation, there are always restraints and compromises. That’s life. Here: 

  • we were not able to use the supportive #9 Yin energy (also in the N) for a bed or seat, but maximised personal support with the #1 & 8 Yin energies instead.
  • we could not place the backdoor with the Yang 1 or would have lost the supportive spot for the sofa. We placed it with the weaker but still positive #6 instead. 

Overall though, we have achieved excellent Yang life force and excellent Yin support – a healthy Yin and Yang balance. 


Again, it’s knowing what we can compromise and what is essential. 

Once we have 80% of good Feng Shui, we can then add to it with other Feng Shui tools to create a place that is the best it can possibly be.


What if we Ignored this 80/20 Feng Shui Principle

Here is what could have happened. I am intentionally making a point with the worst possible scenario:

(red lines indicate negative Yin support; re arrows negative Yang energies)

We could have:

  • placed the entry with the #2 Yang – associated with financial difficulties and loss;
  • placed the bed with the #2 Yin – associated with insomnia and sickness;
  • placed the sofa on the Yin #5 – tends to bring out the worst in a person, irritation and difficulties.

You get the picture. 

Had we gone for this design, subsequent Feng Shui tools and cures would have faced an uphill battle. It would have meant 80% effort for small results – or the need to re-arranged everything. Very frustrating indeed!

Again, please note: Where the different energies are located is individual to a building. It’s based on its exact orientation and time period of completion. 


What if you can’t apply Feng Shui in the Design

As above so below, as below so above. 

We are where we are. I believe we are always in the right place, from which we can grow and learn and eventually move on. 

There is always an 80/20 rule that can be applied. The most potent Feng Shui improvements will give you the largest possible benefit, whereas many other things may not have much on an effect – within the scope of the place you’re in. As you’ve seen, it does not have to take any extra energy.


Knowledge is power.

Let me know if I can be of assistance in helping you work out what is important and not so important in your building project. Brigitte Seum, 0403 366 100.


Image Austin Distel on unsplash.

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