Diary of a Feng Shui Consultant

When conducting a Feng Shui consultation, I find that bedrooms are often where things go wrong for people. 

In a good bedroom you sleep well and wake up refreshed and recharged, you stay healthy and communication and relationships can flourish. 

There are two ways in which bedroom Feng Shui can go wrong: i) its physical arrangements, and ii) the Yin energies present there. 


Physical arrangement

In terms of physical arrangements, it’s important the bed has adequate protection and containment so you can relax rather than being subconsciously on guard all night.

We use the principle of the ‘armchair’ to create a good bed space. An armchair has solid protection behind as well as some side support. Sitting in an armchair, you are held and supported. 

In a bedroom the armchair protection is via a solid wall and head board behind your bed and large enough side tables to give you protection from the sides. These create a niche where you can curl up and rest. Another way of achieving this is by placing the bed in a cove, which gives you a snug feel through its surrounding support. 

What often goes wrong with physical bedroom arrangements is that there is not enough protection, or where the protection is disturbed. This can happen through:

  • lack of support, such as when sleeping under a window or next to a door. The bed is too exposed that way. 
  • too many doors, such as doors to the walk-in, the ensuite, and its main door. There can be too much (energetic) traffic around you, making it busy rather than relaxing. 
  • a doorway cutting the bed. I often see people suffering some physical ailment exactly in the part of the body that is cut by the doorway. We consider this a poison arrow across the body. 
  • too open. When the bedroom is too big and there is too much open space, ie it’s too Yang. The Yin Yang balance is out and the space is too active. This also occurs when there are mirrors reflecting the bed. 

Remedying a bedroom is situation specific. It can mean moving the bed into a more protective position, screens, creating protection, ect. The specific solution we look for needs to work for you, ie feel good, and solve the respective problem. 



Ideally, we want to place a bedroom with energies that support health, sleep and relationships, rather than with energies associated with ill health and personal troubles.

Each building has a unique energy chart, each room a particular feel. It is subject to a specific combination of Yin and Yang energies, which are important to know if you want to optimise its Feng Shui.

During a consultation I use advanced Feng Shui tools  to work out the individual energy chart for your building – with the aim of harmonising physical arrangements with existent energies. 

Good energies give a space a good feel. Without them, no amount of attractive looks will get you the good sleep you want. Unfortunately, there exist negative energies associated with dis-ease and personal difficulties. Sleeping in their zones can be like hanging out with the wrong friends who bring out the worst in you. Who needs this?


But hey, life is not perfect and many homes come with their challenges. Digging deeper into our Feng Shui toolkit, we can use the Elements to weaken negative influences via shapes and colour schemes to help you sleep in the best possible environment. And then there are some special cures. It’s never black or white. With Feng Shui we have layers of tools to shift a place further towards the light. 

Our aim is always to collect positive environmental energies and make them available to you to use. Optimising a bedroom is a creative process between you – your preferences, likes and dislikes, the environment and Feng Shui influences. Please, be in touch is you have any questions or to book a consultation. Brigitte Seum, 0403 366 100.

image: gilbert ebrahimi on unsplash

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