How to make Your Home Feel Like an Italian Villa

I love the feel of an Italian Villa – or a traditional French or Moroccan…. building.

They have a certain something that makes them feel good on a cellular level – on the level of touch and feel. 


This is another dimension that goes into creating a living building. It has to do with your cellular response to the quality of the surfaces that you feel and touch.

Depending on their material, the internal surfaces of your building can accumulate subtle electrostatic charges that can cause body stress and contribute to irritation and dis-ease.

On this subtle level, a building can either make you feel comfortable and relaxed, or uneasy and charged up. 


It’s exactly the same as with the clothes you wear – the difference of wearing a polyester shirt or even plastic raincoat, compared to wearing loose cotton or linen clothing. With the former, subtle electrostatic charges created by the friction of the garment make it more sweaty and smelly. A linen or cotton shirt on the other hand does not charge up and feels more natural and cool.

The same thing happens with the surfaces in a building: the carpets, rugs and floor surfaces you walk over, the fabric of the curtains that move near you, the cushions and seats you sit on and the sheets you sleep on. They can also charge up and make you feel uncomfortable and more sweaty or they can contribute to being at ease and relaxed – depending on their material.  


The nature of positive & negative ions

We live in an electric universe. Subtle electric charges are all around us – without them there would be no life. Natural settings are filled with negative ions (negatively charged particles) which feel good, refreshing and support life. 

Polluted and stressed environments on the other hand, are filled positive ions (positively charged particles). These lack life force and make us feel uncomfortable and irritated.

The materials of your interior surfaces are largely responsible for the quality of life force and ionisation of your indoor air!


The negative: Surfaces that charge up and create body stress

The surfaces that reduce life force in your indoor environments are primarily those made of synthetic materials. They tend to charge up with friction and as a result make you feel more irritated, stressed and uncomfortable. They literally repel you – they don’t let you in.

They include synthetic carpets, varnished timber floors and furniture, vinyl, plastic objects, acrylic paint surfaces, as well as  polyester cushions, rugs, sofas or seats. All of these generate positive, life reducing ions and thus more stress.


The positive: Healthy surfaces that maintain natural life force and feel good

Electrostatically neutral materials are cotton, linen, natural timbers (oiled), wool, alpaca, bamboo, cork, earth renders, lime washes and mineral paints. For example, Italian Villas are painted with lime washes, which is part of what makes them relaxing and feel good. 

These materials maintain the natural life force of the air. They facilitate you feeling at ease on a cellular level.


What to do

To make you feel at ease, and your buildings filled with maximum life force, utilise natural surfaces that are not covered or varnished. These materials can breathe and communicate with you on a cellular level – making you feel more alive. 

There are of course other reasons for stress in a building, such as negative Feng Shui influences or negative energies.  A living building contains layers of life supporting influences and a number of them can be out or lacking. 

Let me know if I can be of assistance. Brigitte Seum, 0403 366 100


Image Taylow Flowe on unsplash

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