… and why we love them

There are certain spaces we are drawn to – maybe a corner in a coffee shop, a garden seat or chair in our home.

Think of the spots in which you linger, your favourite places to hang out – where you sit to watch the world go by, study, converse, create, curl up in or a take nap. It’s the spaces you love, where you feel inspired, focused, engaged and supported. They feel right and work for whatever you do – which means you don’t actually have any attention on them.

Such spaces have something in common. They do two things: they both energise and hold you. They have the right balance of Yin and Yang for the particular activity. They have good Feng Shui. Let’s look a little deeper into what it is it that makes them special.


Good Feng Shui

  1. Supportive spaces that can hold you – positive Yin

In terms of physical arrangement, you probably find that your favourite spaces are contained in some way. They have the right degree of support and protection – walls and things around you. This makes you feel safe and you can can focus all your energy on what you are doing.

There is a deeper energetic dimension to this as well. Each building has its individual subtle energy distribution. In spaces we love, the Yin/supportive Qi is generally postive and supportive. This is what makes it feel right. If the Yin energy is irritating or heavy, a space may look right but won’t feel comfortable or natural. 


  1. The space is energised with positive Qi – positive Yang

In essence, good Feng Shui is about admitting positive Qi into a space and making this available to the people there. A space filled with positive Qi has the wow factor

Again there are two sides to this. On a physical level such a space has good light and air, open views to the sky and beautiful or interesting outlooks.

On the intangible energy level, there exist 9 possible types of Yang energies which may enter through a window or door.  Which ones are coming in, is again unique to the building’s energy chart. To create a radiant space, the quality of the Yang energy that fills the space needs to be positive. If this is negative, a space tends feel more dull and irritating. 


Both physical arrangement and intangible energies are important. The balance of support and life force – the Yin Yang balance, varies for for different activities. When it is right, a space feels right and can be a source of power and support to you. We have the tools of Feng Shui to get this right.


Bad Feng Shui

Unfortunately, many work or living spaces don’t have the right balance, they lack the features for good support or are filled with compromised energies, and hence don’t work the way they could.

You could feel distracted or irritated, or never quite settled in such spaces. You may have trouble being productive or creative. Or you may trouble to have meaningful get-togethers or a good rest there. Such spaces never feel quite right. 


Multi-dimensional Feng Shui

Our buildings are more than meets the eye, more than what you can see and touch. 

Feeling right is more than a physical thing. Buildings also have an energetic/spirit dimension which is codified in traditional Feng Shui. We are also multi-dimensional and perceive on many levels. Thus we need our buildings to not just have good design and environments, but also positive and harmonious energies. Let me know if I can be of assistance.  

Image: Brigitte Seum

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