Plan Now for the new Feng Shui Period starting in 2024

Only one more year in the current Period 8!

For the last 19 years the #8 has been a powerful ruler – aka the wealth energy. It fills places with radiant life force. 

On the 4th of February 2024, we will enter a new Feng Shui period, period 9. On that day, the current radiant wealth energy (#8) will lose its power and the new ruler will take its place. 

The #9 will then be the radiant life force for the next 20 years. The #8 will become tired – like an old king who still has status but no longer power. If your home or workspace rely on the vitality of the #8, this will diminish, together with its wealth potential.  

It’s a good time to be proactive and plan for this now.


How to Make a Building Resilient into Period 9

A building’s energy chart is like its DNA. It is created at the time of construction or major renovation. From there it does not change. 

To make a home or workspace resilient and radiant into period 9, we need to activate the area where the # 9 ruler resides in its energy blueprint.

The ruler brings good things – life force and abundance. It makes a place feel great and can mitigate other negative potentials.


Homes Built in Period 8 or Earlier

Many buildings built in period 8 or earlier can be optimised for period 9 without too much hassle. There are even some that will become better and will be filled with more life force after 2024. However, there are others that will become energetically tired – less radiant and less wealthy, and that may require more substantial adjustments to keep them right.

The key to a radiant building is to let in and activate the new ruler – the #9.

The ruler will come to a building from one of the compass directions. Which direction this is is individual to the building – based on its period, exact compass direction and design. 

Activating the ruling life force is an essential part of a Feng Shui consultation. 


When to Built or Renovate:  Now or after February 24?

Some of you may have the opportunity to choose between the best of both worlds. If you are building, buying of a plan or overhauling a property, WHEN this build occurs can make the difference between better or worse Feng Shui. 

You will end up with an energetically totally different building – a totally different energy chart – if it’s completed by January ’24 compared to one completed even a few weeks later. The crucial time is when the roof is closed and the energies of Heaven and Earth are locked together. 


It can go ether way. To select your best option requires an analysis of each respective energy blueprint and design. 

In some cases, you could end up with a better home or premise if you completed it before the change of periods. 

With others it would be better to wait. If completed now they could end up energetically tired before you even moved in – like a model car from the previous year that is already outdated when you take it over, only more significantly.

It all has to do with the interaction between its energies and design. Bottom line: you want it filled with radiant life force, ie. you’d want the #9 new ruler at some major door or window so you can let it in and circulate.


The Second Period Change for me – I’m Excited

I’m excited to experience my second 20-year period change as a Feng Shui consultant. 

The last one in 2004 really divided buildings into the ‘old 90’s type’ houses and the new post 2004 ones. Besides their ruling energies, buildings also carry the distinctly different flavours and qualities of their period. 

Pre 2004 period 7 homes belong to an energetically pushy era, the period of quick money; whereas period 8 homes are of an energetically more conservative and stable period.

Post 2024 period 9 buildings are of the Fire element. This is expansive and expressive, more out there, good for entertainment, image and appearance. As mentioned before, it can be good or bad for individual buildings. 


It All Depends – Knowledge is Power

There is no one right way or one-fits-all solution. 

How to make the most of each building depends on many factors – its individual energy chart, your needs and its design. 

Each case should be worked through on an individual basis – by comparing energies and optimising placement and design to ensure the greatest benefit to you. This is what we do during a professional assessment. Please contact me if you would like some help.

I wanted to let you know that this is coming up and invite you to make your building resilient through the upcoming period change. Brigitte Seum, 0403 366 100.

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