People interested in Feng Shui can get lost in the details of elements, stars, yin and yang and in that can loose sight of what Feng Shui is really about.

Feng Shui is basically about bringing positive energy to our buildings and have it available for our use. This is what creating healthy and radiant buildings is essentially about.

In essence, there are only two types of environmental influences – one is life-enhancing, the other life-reducing. With Feng Shui, we want a site or building filled with positive energy – Sheng Qi, and avoid any negative influences – Sha Qi.

Sheng Qi – Loving Energy

Sheng Qi is bright, radiant. It is in harmony with the laws of nature, brings vitality, natural abundance, lifts us up and allows us to breathe freely. It includes both physical features as well as felt intangible energies

The first Sheng Qi fundamental is that mountains, buildings, bodies of water, roads and objects should be ‘loving’. This means that the landscape, our dwellings and things around us should be beautiful, our response to them positive. 

Without loving forms, no other Feng Shui tool can make a building healthy. The second fundamental is that the intangible energies activated in our buildings should be positive.

Sheng Qi

  1. Beautiful, ‘loving’ Feng Shui forms – surroundings, buildings, interiors:
  • Natural settings – forests, streams, mountains, ocean shores, healthy plants;
  • Fresh, uncontaminated indoor air; clean water;
  • Natural light, electromagnetic radiation and sounds;
  • Comfortable levels of temperature and humidity;
  • Natural surfaces, pleasant to touch.
  1. Positive Feng Shui energies:
  • Positive Yang energy at the doors/major windows of building: (#8, 9, 1);
  • Positive Yin energies to support bedrooms and lounges (#8, 9, 1).

Location of various energies is individual in each building. It is based on building period, exact orientation and layout.

Avoid Negative Sha Qi

Sha Qi is the opposite to Sheng Qi. It robs us of vitality, reduces life. It is cutting and literally means killing or attacking energy. It makes us irritated, agitated, depressed, angry, apathetic or sick. It is anything that takes away life.

Sha causes body stress, which is poison to us and creates disease. It depresses our spirit.

Sha Qi

  1. Ugly, rugged or dirty forms – surroundings, buildings, interiors:
  • Rugged mountains, ugly buildings, sharp angles, fast noisy straight roads, cluttered interiors;
  • Pollution or contaminated indoor air and water; 
  • Unnatural light, harmful electromagnetic radiation; stressful noise;
  • Air that is too dry or too humid and stuffy;
  • Unnatural surfaces, unpleasant to touch.
  • Negative Earth radiation.

What has changed over the last millennia is that we have added more sources of negative electromagnetic radiation and unnatural materials in our environments that need to be recognised and addressed.

  1. Negative Feng Shui energies
  • Negative Yang energy entering the building: (#5, 2);
  • Negative Yin energies activated in bedrooms or lounge (#5, 2).

Good Feng Shui 

Good Feng Shui contains ample Sheng Qi and minimum Sha Qi, especially in areas where we spend time.

It is more than placing an object with the right colours and shape in a given area. The object needs to be ‘you’, not something clinically prescribed or just the latest trend. The first question, with any site, building or object should always be: do you love it and have a positive emotional response to it – Sheng Qi?