A building gets a unique energy chart at the time its roof is closed. This, together with its layout, gives it a certain feel and potential.
When assessing the Feng Shui of a building, we are looking at different types of energies, their interactions, and how these change over time. A building gets a unique energy chart at the time its roof is closed. This, together with its layout, gives it a certain feel and potential.
There are 9 time periods, in which a home may be built. Each house is from a different ‘generation’ and has a different feel. Each home tends to carry something from its period.
Period 8 Homes (built after 2004)
The #8 energy is the energy of steady progress of wealth, especially for young people. This involves persistent work and also resting and stopping. Homes built in this current period embody this stability. They belong to a gentle EARTH element.
Period 7 Homes (built after 1984-2003)
These homes are dominated by the #7 energy, which is associated with the mouth and talking. This was the era of ‘marketing’ where you could be successful by talking – making yourself look good. It was associated with ‘quick wealth’. This energy is rather loud and pushy. These homes belong to a ‘loud’ METAL element.
Period 6 Homes (built 1964-83)
These homes are dominated by the #6 energy, which stands for authority and power. However, many of the homes are also affected by the theme of ‘divorce’ – relationships being under attack, a phenomenon of that era. It can stand for loneliness. These homes are associated with the piercing energy of the METAL element.
Period 6 Homes (built 1944-63)
These homes are associated with the ‘emperor’, the most powerful energy available. They can be very good, but also very bad and disastrous, if the wrong energies are activated. This is where you can get misfortunes – and a few who do well in power. Which one you have depends on the interaction of the layout with the energy chart. These are powerful EARTH element houses.
Period4 Homes (built 1924-63)
These homes are dominated by the flirtatious #4 energy. This is good for artists and writers, as well as for study. It also invites untimely romance. It is the carefree, playful and flirtatious energy of the late twenties and thirties. When used creatively, this can create great works of art and literature. These homes are associated with soft WOOD energy and romance.
Period 3 Homes (built 1904-23)
These homes are associated with the energy of the eldest son, striving, going somewhere and achievements. This is when we got cars, planes and a lot of changes in how we lived. It can be aggressive and lacking compassion. They are associated with strong WOOD energy that can push through anything.
Period 2 Homes (built 1884-1903)
These homes are associated with the mother, a gentle and still nurturing energy. They can also indicate sickness and smothering. They are associated with the EARTH element and being conservative.
Period 1 Homes (built 1864-1883)
This period is associated with wisdom and love. It is gentle and ‘flowing’. However, many of these homes also have a potential of injury to children. They are associated with WATER and instability.
Period 9 Homes (built 1844-1863; after 2024)
These homes were associated with fame and fortune, beauty, radiance and outer riches – the gold rush. This type of energy can also leave a lot of people out of the game and in conflict. They are associated with FIRE.
End Note
In each home, no matter from which period, the most successful Feng Shui cures involve bringing the current #8 energy into the home. This may come from any of the compass directions. It is responsible for bringing healthy life force into the building, making it feel good.
Any building, from any period, also has negative energies. If they happen to be in a prominent room, they will have a negative effect on you and need to be remedied. Any of above-mentionedoned weaknesses can be improved or remedied with Feng Shui adjustments.
Photo by David Cohen on Unsplash