There are homes that will suit you very well. You will feel easily settled in these and will be at home.

However, there are other homes that make you feel more uneasy. In such homes people often feel a need to keep changing their colours and furniture arrangements, without it ever feeling right. 

Each person has a natural energetic resonance. This is harmonious with certain homes and incompatible with others. Such ‘incompatibility is associated with irritation, unsettledness and never feeling quite at home.

In Feng Shui this energetic resonance is determined by the overall temperament of your gender and year of birth. 

How a whole year of people share similar characteristics

There is an overall difference in disposition of people that changes year to year. This is most evident to school teachers and parents who regularly observe a yearly shift in the temperament of a group of kids coming through one particular grade. Some years are wilder, or more difficult, others more reflective and easy going.

These shifting trends can be explained by the Feng Shui Gua numbers. Gua numbers group a whole year of girls/ women or a whole year of boys/ men by their birth year. Of course, personal differences remain. Gua numbers measure the overall vibration of a yearly generation and how this resonates with a home.

How we work out compatibility

In Feng Shui we look at the quality of the Yin, the quiet energies in a home, when considering a person’s wellbeing. We take a person’s Gua number – worked out according to your gender and birth year – and look at the corresponding Yin energy in the home. 

Each Gua number belongs to a certain Feng Shui element. If the Yang (active) energy present in that same sector of the home harmonises with the element of the Gua number, the person and home are compatible. 

However, if this Yang energy present belongs to an element that is in ‘attacking’ or irritating the element of the Gua number, a person is incompatible and will experience this by a certain unsettledness mentioned before.

All the same, all is not lost if a person has such incompatibility. Firstly, there is always at least one room in the home that is harmonious with the person’s energy, where they would feel supported and which would make a good bedroom. Secondly, we can introduce missing elements with Feng Shui cures – the shapes and colours of furniture and décor. Correctly chosen, these will help harmonise a person with a home. While such cures are never as good as a natural compatibility, they nevertheless help a person to feel more settled. 

And of course, when there is a whole family, it can be difficult to have everyone compatible with the home. While most of the time we can choose a home that suits the majority of the family members, there is often one or the other that needs to be helped along with the right room, décor or colour schemes.

In any case, in order to know and improve the compatibilty of you or your family with your home, you need to know the individual energy distribution in the home and each room. This is unique to a home and subject of an advanced Feng Shui analysis.

How this fits in with the rest of Feng Shui

To put it in perspective: Compatibility is only a small part of Feng Shui. The primary objective of Feng Shui is to make the most radiant energies of a home available to you, and reduce any effect of negative energies. This is its most important role. 

This means that even if you were in a harmonious relationship with a home but were sleeping in a negative energy, you would be affected by these negative energies. Likewise, a person not compatible with a home can nevertheless be doing very well when sleeping in a supportive room.

Compatibility is really only one part in the many factors of the Feng Shui jigsaw puzzle. We can use it to locate the best room in a house for a person, to find a home for a family that is harmonious for (most of) them, or to know which elements we need to introduce for a person to feel a bit more settled in certain non-ideal situations.

Please be in touch if you would like me to help you work with the more subtle aspects of your home so you can make it more harmonious for you and your family.

Photo by Jeremy Cai on Unsplash