When working with the features and colours of a building, we are balancing the Feng Shui elements.

Feng Shui Element – definition

The term ‘element’ may be misleading and not what you think.

Feng Shui improves a building’s life force. The parts that make up this life force, for want of a better term, are called elements.

An element is not a substance, but refers to a phase of transformation of life force. These phases are growthfull bloomconservationconcentration and unfolding. They are represented by the terms WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER.

They describe a quality, a feel – not a block of wood or chunk of dirt!

Elements are present in an environment in many ways. They are present:

  • in the SHAPES of physical features and objects;
  • in the different COLOURS
  • in the unique intangible ENERGIES,  present in the various areas of a building.

Here are some examples of how to activate the various elements with shapes & colours:

WOOD – elongated upright shapes, pillars, woody plants; green & blue colours.

FIRE – bright red tones, triangular shapes, pyramids.

EARTH – square or rectangular solid things, chests, boxes; yellow to brown colours.

METAL – metal sound (gongs, chimes, piano music); round metallic or white objects.

WATER – wavy shapes or lines; very dark blue & black.

There is always a dynamic relationship between two elements: some strengthen, some irritate and others weaken another.

When Elements are Wrong

So far so good! The only time you run into trouble with elements, is if you don’t know what the underlying energies in a building are!

There are positive and negative energies – each belonging to a particular element. Things can get wrong if we place colours and shapes that inadvertently activate negative energies present.

For example, somewhere in every building, there exist negative EARTH energies. EARTH energies are energised by FIRE and irritated by WOOD. So, if you had a red sofa in such an area, a print in blues and greens above and a large plant next to it, I guarantee that this would not be the radiant relaxing lounge you wanted to create. You’d be more likely to fight and argue, or feel drained there.

If you are experiencing something like that, remove the FIRE and WOOD tones and replace them with METAL shapes and colours – these drain negative EARTH energies.

When Elements are right

The most radiant energy, often referred to as the ‘Wealth energy’, also belongs to the EARTH element. It feels fantastic, brings radiant life force, good communication and harmony. This is also energised by FIRE. 

If you had that same red sofa in an area where this wealth energy is located, it would be very stunning, radiant, attractive and harmonious. However, the WOOD element would still irritate it and should not be placed there.

On the other hand, another great energy belongs to the FIRE element. FIRE is energised by WOOD. So, if you had the red sofa and the plant there, it would work really well.

Nevertheless, if you had either of these radiant areas decorated in neutral METAL tones, this décor would take away from both these positive energies and you would not be able to experience their full potential.

How do you know which Elements are right?

The ideal placement of elements is unique to each building. It depends on its underlying energetic blueprint and its interaction with the building’s layout and physical features.

There is no one-answer-fits-all to this! Ideally, you find out what is going on energetically in your place from someone who knows how to construct and interpret energy charts.

Short of this, follow your instincts. Many people instinctively do the right thing – or if things are wrong, try out which element may be irritating the area by removing it – experiment.