With good Feng Shui in your office, your business activities are supported, you are not battling against your environment.
To improve the Feng Shui in an existing office, we use traditional Feng Shui formulas to establish its unique energy chart. This tells us what the quality of energy in each section of the office is.
There are areas of your office that are radiant and great for business – this is where you should have your key people. This is also the energy that you should have circulating through your office through its internal pathways.
The location of this energy is different in each office. We use traditional Feng Shui formulas to determine its unique energy chart. This gives us the location of this energy as well as the quality of energies in each of the office sections.
Position of Key People
Different sections of an office are beneficial for different functions: some are better for sales, some are better for accumulating money and accounting, and others are ideal for the manager or executive.
There are also areas with dull energies where it would be much harder to concentrate and where it would be difficult to make good decisions – good places for the photocopier and files!
As much as possible, we will place key people so that the intrinsic energies of the space will complement their activities.
Activating the Most Radiant Energies
Once we know where the most radiant energies are coming from, we endeavour to bring these into your office through a door or window.
Failing that, we try to pick up this energy through internal pathways. Through the positioning of partitions and workstations, we endeavour to get as much of this energy distributed around your office as possible.
Once we know what the quality of energy in each section of your office is, we select some key colours for each area. These are designed to enhance any positive energy present and to reduce the effect of any negative influences.
Colours can be brought in through feature walls, desk trays, chair colours or pictures, etc.
Feng Shui Problems
Here are some of the Feng Shui problems you could be experiencing in an office: you may feel drained and stressed, or irritated; there could be conflicts and arguments; you may not be able to concentrate and tend to make wrong decisions; you might feel like you are battling uphill – and success is just not forthcoming although you work hard at it.
There may be other reasons for this, but you could inadvertently be activating negative Feng Shui energies.
The Scope of Feng Shui
In an existing office, the more variables we have to work with, the greater the chance to achieve positive change. Being able to let in the most radiant energies is always a fail-safe solution – but not always possible.
Good positions for key people are paramount – and these can often be achieved through some simple rearranging. Colour can make a big difference: I have seen the creation of a feature wall in the foyer – in the right colours – to create wonderful results.
Every place is different!
A professional Feng Shui analysis will reveal how to best arrange an office, how to tap into energy conducive to business, and how to adjust furniture placement and colour schemes to support your key people.